Sunday, March 8, 2009

Web 2.0 Technologies, Blog Post #4

From what I have learned so far, Web 2.0 technologies offer many interesting and innovative means to enrich the education of today’s students. I believe they have the ability to encourage and motivate our students, to provide them with needed information and resources, and to prepare them for the future which will surely include more and more of these types of applications.

My school offers almost none of this type of instruction. One teacher uses an occasional webquest and many students use Wikipedia in the course of research. That’s really all I’m aware of them using! Imagine the excitement of our population getting to see their work published through a wiki, a blog, or through digital storytelling. I believe they would try to produce a superior product and would be eager to show others their accomplishments.

I also think the teachers would be excited to learn about applications that could ease their workload. Using RSS feeds and social bookmarking are two applications I want to introduce to our teachers.

The future looks bright to me when I think about Web 2.0 technologies and schools. It will take time because of finances and faculty training for this to become a reality on my campus, but I believe we will get there.

The wiki I developed is a forum for students to add a page on which to tell others about their favorite book. Since I’m in a library, I thought it would be an interesting place for students to go when they need help finding a “good book.” I really plan to use it this year and am excited about it!

1 comment:

  1. Cinda, I agree that time and money are elements in getting the technology needed in schools today. I'm looking forward to viewing your blog soon.
